What technology trends shouldn’t be missed by business in 2018

3 months passed since New Year and there are already many technological innovations and changes which set the trends for business in 2k18.
Let’s talk about them!
Trend №1 Social network Facebook has changed the ranking algorithm.
Mark Zuckerberg announced new algorithms for showing news from Business pages and emphasized that communication with friends since now and forever will be a priority. Therefore, the organic reach of all Business pages fell to such an extent that some business owners stopped managing pages. Considering this trend our suggestion is to start developing a personal brand (not to be confused with blogging!), as well as use Business Ad Manager to boost posts.
We’ll be happy to give you personal advice on how to manage your Business page according to the new algorithms. Feel free to contact us.
Trend №2 Motion design technology as a new element of the business presentation.
Motion design technology is quite complicated. Not every graphic designer knows Adobe After Effects where, besides the drawing, you need the skills of creating movies. You can find the examples of the cool commercial motion videos on YouTube. This technology fundamentally changes the perception of products and services of the business.
Trend №3 Video content as a powerful tool for business promotion.
If before real pictures were valued more than those found on the Internet, now the video replaced photography as such in the business content marketing. The advantages of the technology for business are obvious: in the video, you can tell all about the product only in 30 seconds, which can’t be achieved even in the most creative banner. Include video content in your promotion plan, because video advertising is not only cheaper but also stirs more emotions. And don’t be afraid to hype 🙂 Again, find inspiration on YouTube in the In the Trend section by watching 3-5 videos on your topic, then the algorithms will be offering the material you’ll like automatically.
Trend №4 Virtual Reality Technologies (VR).
Everyone already knows what the virtual reality helmets are. But few people heard that the entire panoramic tour through a business can be created with a smartphone camera! Create a panoramic video, upload it to YouTube then ask your designer to fit it into the contact page of your website or on the main page, if the concept allows. This technology is very useful for boosting business!
Trend №5 Minimalism is our everything or Web 3.0
Have you noticed how new websites ceased to be bulky? Now you will not see huge flash banners, incomprehensible calculators, thousands of colors etc. on the web pages. Web 2.0 has evolved into Web 3.0. Nowadays, designers who stay on top of technology trends choose thin fonts, pastel and mild colors. Another trend is that UI has become more friendly. So-called dynamic content technology, as well as the maximum mobile devices optimization, have come into fashion. Our designers constantly monitor professional resources to keep their fingers on the pulse of modern website building technologies.
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