"ATMOSFERA" is a management company that takes care of comfortable living in all objects and residential complexes connected to the system in the application.
About the project
A mobile application for managing housing and communal services and reporting at all stages: from building process to inhabitation.
- create a mobile application where you can control all housing and communal services processes: from moving and redeveloping an apartment to paying for utilities and water delivery;
- develop functionality that allows residents of the residential complex to easily interact with the service and monitor their real estate;
- to realize the ability to order and track services provided by the management company and their partners;
- change the internal architecture of the accounts, and make it possible one person to own and manage several residential complex objects;
- provide the ability to pay utility bills (Google pay & Apple pay);
- change the payment logic according to iPay specifics.
Video about the project

The system must quickly respond to problems and control the implementation of tasks in the housing estate, thus reducing the distance between residents and the management company. Each co-owner will be able to control the house from a smartphone. Real estate developers have the opportunity to connect their residential complexes and keep in touch with clients at all stages: construction progress, commissioning, purchase / rent, living in the house. The mobile app must be flexible and ready for regular updates and integrations of new functions that will be in demand by future residents of residential complexes.
Demo mode
“SFERA” is a hybrid application, both in technical implementation and in terms of functionality. So, we have developed Demo Mode. If you are not owning property in an available housing complex, anyway you can download the app, try and evaluate the functions.
- We created a hybrid application using 2 modern frameworks;
- created an opportunity to order housing and communal services provided by the management company and partners with the help of a mobile application;
- developed convenient functionality for adding partners;
- the system informs clients about important messages, announcements on the property, comments, building updates using push notifications in the application;
- the user can send a request for registration of ownership of the object and upload contracts, invoices and other official papers. And also directly in the application to store and execute the necessary documents;
- implemented the “Intercom” functionality and connected VoIP telephony technology (receiving calls from an intercom to a smartphone, controlling door opening from a smartphone);
- added remote video surveillance (access to webcams on building, or in the house (if it has already been commissioned));
- provided an opportunity to create initiatives related to life at home, vote for them, discuss, receive complaints, comments;
- integrated Google Pay & Apple Pay, iРay.ua + added display of information about commission;
- integrated 1C and implemented the display of payments (maden / credited / not credited);
- introduced the “Payment by installments” according to 1C data and obtaining financial reconciliation by installments;
- implemented user feedback with the ability to evaluate the performance of a complaint or service;
- added sections with utility rates, reports on the funds used in the residential complex, a contact section, “Notice board”;
- implemented the dark theme of the application + synchronized with the system;
- implemented multilingualism: administrators can create content in 3 different languages.
As a result, we have created a mobile application, with the help of which will begin changes in the housing and utilities sector. “SFERA” has many functions that allow person to easily manage property, receive and pay bills, contact the management company and monitor the developer’s work, as well as order various services – all these using the smartphone.
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