

What a Modern Mobile App Should Be

Mobile App Market is one of the fastest growing segment nowadays. And according to all forecasts - it will only grow. Much more developers, much more companies - much more applications. What moments you should pay attention to if you are thinking about creating own mobile application - let's talk today in our new article.

How much does it cost – to redesign a website?

About the main components of the redesign, reasons behind it, and the best way to organize this process - we talk in our new article.

Understanding the Costs: Is FL Studio Free?

(Українська) Про те, чому темні кольори - завжди особливий тренд, які його сильні сторони і чому наша компанія обрала його для редизайну сайту - поговоримо у новій статті. Якщо Ви теж задумались над переходом на "темну" сторону, то маємо декілька порад на що потрібно звернути увагу в першу чергу.

What to choose: CMS or custom solution?

Before you start developing a site, you always have to choose between CMS and frameworks. What is the difference between them, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each of the options and what is best solution for your project - will be considered today in our new article.

Clutch TOP B2B Company Award

Our company has reached a new level of development. We we have been awarded as Clutch TOP B2B Company

What Payment System to Choose for an Online Store?

Short overview of popular online payment systems in Ukraine. Their features and advantages.

RSO, E-Bills and Everything You Need to Know About Online Stores

What new bills are preparing for online store owners and how to prepare for possible changes in e-commerce. This is the main topic of our article. A short guide and action tips from our company.

What are the components of a site and an online store?

We all deal with different websites. But do we always understand what a site is made of and how it works? .. Someone will say that it is not too important. However, this can be useful information for those who book the site. Today we are talking about the structure, components of websites and online stores.

Basic stages of web development. Ways to create websites

What are the stages of the web development process and what are the ways of creating websites? This will be discussed in our new article.

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