What kind of site to choose?..
The article describes the main types of sites with specific examples of our company. Different options for different businesses. Everyone will be able to choose the best option for themselves.
Developing your own site: what’s the price?
How much does it cost order a site from developers? What factors depends on the price? What you should pay attention to developing the site - read about this in our new article.
Types of sites and online stores
So many types of sites exist. How to choose the one that best suits your business? This is an issue to which this article is devoted.
How to get a job at an IT company
Knowledge and skills that will be needed for future IT specialists.
How to create an online store from scratch
In the article, we will talk about what is important for an effective online store today and can you create it by yourself.
How and why websites go to the Ukrainian language-version
More and more sites go to the Ukrainian language-version. Why is this happening and how to make this process as painless as possible?
OpenCart Social Login Module: New Version
A new version of the OpenCart social login module OpenCart-Social-Networking-Authorization is available now. 2.1 module version supports authorization via Instagram.
Top-7 fears while selecting a contractor for the website development project
When one realizes that more goods can be sold through the new channels, even more questions appear. How do I do it right? Where do I order the website development? What if I get deceived and lose my money? I know nothing about the web. Our company Web-Systems knows how to get rid of these fears. In this article, we will name TOP-7 clients' questions when choosing a contractor to develop a website and tell you how to deal with them.
From an intern to a back-end developer, or how I got my job in an IT company being a student: the interview
Meet Vlad. He is our student in the past and PHP specialist now. In this interview, Vlad talks about how he managed to become a successful PHP developer in an IT company before graduation.
To lead the eCommerce market, you need ambition and possibilities to grow. We assist our clients in achieving real business results.